Google News is a computer-generated search engine vertical which collects and aggregates news stories and headlines from over 50,000 sources of information spanning the globe.
Google then displays them based on user preferences and interests, or through search filtering.
You can access Google News directly by going to or by selecting the ‘News’ section below the main search bar on Google’s homepage.
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Here’s an example of what the Google News home screen looks like (the default view is top stories’ and is driven by location as well as user preferences):
Some of the features to take note of include:
- Search bar functionality (typical search engine use)
- Supporting filtering (region and news type i.e. modern, classic, headlines or compact)
- Side navigation (quick topic filtering functionality)
- Weather app
- Location and preference based information widget (displaying local news based on preferences and location data)
- Editors’ picks
- Top stories (region set and global)
- Suggested for you (user behavior and preference-based data)
- Industry