7 startup marketing services you need to try in 2022

Updated September 22, 2022 in Marketing, Services, Startups

Did you know that according to data released by Failory, about 90% of startups fail?

While there are many reasons for the failure of the startup, one major reason is the lack of insights regarding the market demand.

Data released by CBInsights shows that this accounts for about 42% of startup failures.

So how can you set up your startup for success in 2022? Forentrepreneurs reveals that companies that spend more on sales and marketing generally grow at a faster rate as compared to those that spend less.

But spending money on marketing and sales in 2022 as a startup is also complicated. There are so many different kinds of marketing channels available, it can be a daunting task to choose the right path for your startup.

The best way for you to make the right decision for your business is by understanding the various startup marketing services available or employing one of the reputed startup marketing agencies to help you grow your business the right way.  

So, if you’re interested in really growing your startup in 2022, here are seven marketing services for startups you need to try this year: 

startup marketing services

7 marketing services for startups

Reddit marketing 

Everyone talks about Social Media Marketing, and while it is important for brands to establish their presence on social channels, unique platforms like Reddit are the ones that can literally help hack your growth.

Reddit brings together social news, discussions, and rating of website content and is often referred to as the “front page of the internet”. It was founded in 2005 and is currently the sixth most popular website in the US with over 100,000 active community forums. 

reddit marketing service


Marketing on Reddit has huge potential and not many marketers are utilizing the platform the right way. The audience on Reddit is not like that on other social media platforms, hence the approach on Reddit needs to be different.

As a startup, you need to look for the right partner with proven results in Reddit Marketing, so that you get the best possible return on investment.  

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We at Soar were able to hack 118,335 site visits in one day with strategic Reddit Marketing for a newly launched website. In order to do so, we built a three-pronged approach and combined three Reddit Marketing tactics into one custom order to maximize our reach and ROI.

Read our detailed case study to learn more about the three-pronged approach or about Soar’s Reddit Marketing services.  

Quora marketing  

Among other digital marketing services is the Quora Marketing service that has great potential for maximizing your growth as a startup. Quora is a crowdsourced question and answer website that allows users to raise questions and get their responses.

The website is user-controlled and allows the user to organize, edit and create their own content and you as a startup can use the platform to help your target audience while building targeted brand awareness for your startup.  

quora marketing service

Quora marketing is the perfect marketing service for startups who are looking to reach their customers directly and show them how their product will be effective in solving their problems. The platform is invaluable as it has a wealth of information and has over 300 million active monthly users.

The platform allows users to follow specific topics of interest and the responses received are rich with personal opinions and first-hand experiences. In order to market your brand on the platform, you will require content tailored to the style popular on this platform.  

Like Reddit marketing, Quora marketing is among the lesser-known digital marketing services available in the market today. Hence you need to select a partner with proven results with Quora marketing as the style of content required varies from the other platforms around.

A good Quora marketing agency will be able to write detailed, helpful answers to top questions in your industry with valuable references to your brand and service, driving interest in your brand and resulting in an increase in qualified leads. 

Download a case study below to learn more about Quora marketing.  

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SEO marketing 

Search Engine Optimization is definitely a digital marketing service you as a small business want to invest in. Doing so will help you get discovered by the right audience on the internet. SEO helps increase the quality and quantity of organic website traffic coming from search engines like Google.

Optimizing your website for the right keywords in your niche can help your startup go a long way in generating quality leads and increasing sales.  

seo marketing service

There are various startup marketing agencies that offer SEO services that promise to improve your website performance. This service includes conducting SEO management, backlink for authority, keyword research, SEO audits, link outreach, and the creation of a strong content strategy to help you reach your goals.  

Whether you want to promote an eCommerce store, a SaaS startup, or a newly launched mobile app, SEO marketing is definitely where you need to invest from day one to ensure results in the long run. 

Learn more about Soar’s SEO marketing packages for startups. 

Content marketing 

Content Marketing is one of the most essential marketing services for small businesses. A strong content marketing strategy can help your startup attract, engage and retain the right target audience and help you grow your business.

Content marketing can help your startup increase website traffic, gain extra visibility on search engines, boost sales and improve your overall brand visibility.  

content marketing services

In an age where a normal person comes in contact with thousands of posts in a single day, the need for quality content that is educating, engaging, and entertaining cannot be stressed enough. Creating the right kind of content to engage your ideal customer is what content marketing is all about.

A strong content marketing strategy is one that answers any queries a potential customer might have and prove to them how your product/service will help them solve their problem.

Content marketing can also be used to display your expertise in your niche and win over customers through strategic high-quality thought leadership pieces.  

From all the digital marketing services available in the market today, content marketing is the one service that you should absolutely invest in as a startup.

The reason for this is that a high-quality piece of content on your blog that is optimized for the right keywords will continue to bring you traffic and quality leads year after year with minimum effort.  

Our content marketing packages at Soar have been specially designed to help startups achieve their goals and help them grow.

Learn more about our most popular content marketing package to understand how we can help your business grow.  

Reddit reputation management – a.k.a. brand mentions

A brand’s reputation is priceless, and in a world where the internet connects people across the globe, building and maintaining this reputation can be tricky. But don’t worry, we at Soar have cracked the code to help you as a new business build a reputation in your area of expertise. How do we do so?

Through a targeted Reddit brand mentions package. Through this, you can bring plenty of visitors to your website and generate quality leads that will eventually convert into paying customers, thanks to the reputation we help you create through Reddit.  

reddit brand reputation

With so many brands out there competing for a consumer’s attention, we find that customers are more likely to buy from brands that come recommended from people they know in real life, influencers they follow online, or from brands that have great reviews and ratings on the internet.

So, in order for you to boost your sales and attract the right customers, building a positive brand reputation as a startup is essential for success. And Reddit with over 100,000 active community forums is a great place for you to begin.  

In this unique package we offer at Soar, we promise a minimum of 40 positive brand mentions a month and a dedicated account manager to help you achieve success and get the ball rolling.

Learn more about Soar’s Reddit Reputation Management service and take your first step towards success.  

Reddit subreddit development

In a digital world, building and nurturing an online community is no longer optional. As a startup, this is one of the digital marketing services you could invest in as it will help you build your tribe and create a community of loyal customers. And why is it important to build this community?

Well, data reveals that loyal customers spend 67% more on products and services than new customers, so it is definitely going to be worth the investment.

Moreover, loyal customers are also more likely to recommend your brand to their friends, family, and followers, which means more free visibility for your startup.  

In order to help you create this online community for your brand, we at Soar offer various Reddit Subreddit development packages. Once you have subscribed to this service, our team will work to help you set up and grow your community’s subreddit by setting it up for success and populating it with relevant, engaging content for your subscribers.  

subreddit growth service

This digital marketing service for startups is perfectly suited for community-focused brands, cryptocurrency projects, and more.

Our basic plan includes subreddit creation from an aged account, rule & description setup, moderator/admin setup, subreddit naming, content plan creation, and a detailed competitive report.

Other advanced plans include content creations and promotions for increasing community visibility.

Learn more about our Reddit Subreddit Development service or schedule a call with our team to find out how we can help you.  

Startup launching 

The launching of your startup needs to be done right so that you can start off with a bang. But as a founding member, you have so many other things going on, you may tend to overlook the digital side of things.

Don’t worry though! We at Soar have you covered. We offer the perfect Startup Launching packages that deal with the pre-launch, launch, and post-launch activities, so you can focus on other important aspects of your business.  

launch your startup


In the pre-launch stage, we share our launch playbook with you that gives you access to all the information needed for your upcoming launch. Along with this, we also provide one-on-one strategy sessions from VCs to help you get started on the right foot.

During this strategy session, you get a chance to collaborate with experienced executives, investors, and entrepreneurs to solve your business challenges to build faster, smarter, and with precision. 

During the launch stage, we help you amplify your visibility by driving real engagement, building backlinks to your website to increase authority, helping you create a strong foundation, and creating the right messaging so you can share your product and services to the world using copy that converts.  

Post your successful launch, we help you measure, evaluate & iterate on your marketing channels so that you can continue to build your digital marketing business and grow your sales. 

Learn more about the service here.

Getting the most of your digital marketing services in 2022 

While the ways for promoting your business are limitless in 2022, this can be a blessing and a curse. There are so many marketing services for startups, it might be difficult to choose the right one that can help you achieve your goals.

Besides, it is always good to use multiple channels to reach your ideal customers, as it can help you grow your business at a faster pace.  

You should also keep in mind that just having a strong content strategy is not enough without SEO optimization for the right keywords, and not pushing your content in relevant forums and communities on Reddit and Quora can mean giving up on some really targeted leads.

But as a small business, it is practically impossible to have your eggs in all these different baskets.

We recommend hiring a startup marketing agency that is experienced in your niche to help you create the right strategy and help you navigate through the ever-changing digital environment.  

Startup marketing agencies know the ins and outs of each of these unique platforms and know what tools can be used to achieve success on the platform.

Having this expertise on your side can take away the risk of error and you can sit back and focus on other essential aspects of your business.

We also recommend asking the agency you choose to create a custom package based on your needs that includes a little bit of all these services mentioned above.  

Especially in early stage startups, lead generation is the key to generate more revenue. There are many different ways, tools and strategies that can help you with it.

However, lead generation is a challenging task for every business and that’s why many of them use online tools to get the right prospects in the funnel. ContactOut is a Chrome extension that will help you contact your prospects instantly via personal emails and phones.

Startup marketing agencies

As you may figure out from the headline itself, startup marketing agencies are targeting startups of some size. The advantage for startups is that they usually charge less than regular marketing agencies.

A startup marketing agency should help you kickstart, grow or scale up your small business without spending your year-worth of budget. However, you need to understand that it is necessary to invest in your business if you want to grow and achieve great results by implementing relevant marketing strategies.


Typically, in early stage startups or small businesses, it might be better to outsource your marketing efforts to digital marketing agencies, until you grow enough to have your own in-house marketing team.

Get the right digital marketing agency to grow your startup today.

If you need further information or guidance on any of these services mentioned above, we also recommend scheduling a call with a Soar expert so that you can understand the way forward.