9 easy ways to promote your business on YouTube

Updated February 8, 2023 in Marketing, Tips & Tricks

When it comes to promoting your business on social media, the first things that come to mind are usually Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Most of the time, businesses forget YouTube.

This is one mistake you don’t want to make. YouTube is the second largest search engine, with a search volume larger than Bing. 

With over 1 billion registered users watching 1 billion hours of videos per day, there sure is a lot of opportunities for businesses to promote their products and services on YouTube.

But how can you start? This article will show you various ways on how you can elevate your YouTube marketing. 

youtube promotion

1. Create a strategy

Unlike other social media platforms, YouTube can be more time-consuming. After all, it is one thing to update your status and create images versus consistently creating, shooting, and editing videos. To win in YouTube marketing, you have to create a strategy with a clear goal in mind.

Do you want to promote brand awareness or generate more leads and sales? Once you have this figure out, everything else will go smoothly. 

2. Promote your brand with video

When it comes to promotion, you need to be creative. There are various ways for you to advertise your brand. Note that doing the traditional introduction way can come off as boring.

If you want your promotion to be successful, think of innovative ways. You want to make entertaining videos such as product reviews and customer testimonials. 

3. Put a welcome video on your YouTube channel

Create a short welcome video on your YouTube channel so that your visitors will know what your business is about. Think of it as your visitors’ first impression of your channel on YouTube.

You might want it to be direct so that you will spark interest to learn more about your products and services. 

4. Upload how-to videos

How-to videos often get a lot of views on YouTube. If you want to promote your product, you can create a how-to video where your product is part of it, or maybe a tutorial on how customers can use and enjoy your services.

Instructional videos will surely get you the views you need to attract traction on our brand. At the same time, you get to address the FAQs about your product.

5. Interview influential people in your niche

It could be someone who can answer technical questions or maybe an influencer that has the same goal and core values as your brand. Whoever you choose, this could be a great way to showcase to your audience that your brand isn’t just about products and services.

If the person you will be interviewing has already a following in social media, you can also use that leverage to reach a broader audience. 

interview people

6. Answer questions with your YouTube videos

Once you have enough videos on your YouTube channel, you can now use them on third-party websites such as Quora. With Quora marketing, you can answer questions with your videos and help potential customers be aware of what your brand is about and how it can benefit them.

Quora marketing isn’t easy, and if you want this to add on your YouTube strategy, you can subscribe to a plan with a professional marketing agency like SOAR. We’ll take care of your online marketing for you.

7. Managing your YouTube channel

If this is your first time using this platform for your business, you’ll be surprised that there are limited management tools for this unlike other social media platforms.

As you grow, it is imperative that you track comments on your videos and respond to them, as well as mentions of your brand. One tool you can use is Agorapulse, which allows you to manage all of your videos easily. 

8. Take advantage of Reddit

While it isn’t exactly YouTube marketing, you can use Reddit to promote your videos and reach a wider audience.

There is a service that focuses on mention management, which can improve brand awareness across Reddit and promote your business through your YouTube videos. Reddit marketing services can be very useful with your YouTube promotion and help you achieve your goals. 

reddit home page

9. Collaborate with other creators and brands

When you work on your YouTube video, it is essential that you find the right partner. You want to work with creators that share the same passion with your brand.

This modern-day project between BuzzFeed and Purina is excellent in showing how thoughtful collaborations feel without being overly promotional.

The best thing that new visitors will probably subscribe is they are already using a channel they know, liked and trust. Your video should be authentic. Find a company where you share a similar love for a brand.

YouTube promotion tactics

As a content creator, YouTube is one the best ways to promote your videos. There’s a ton of YouTubers on the site putting out video content that earns them views and subscribers by the millions. It’s only right to take advantage of the free and easily accessible consumer base on the platform. 

Just like the type of content you’re looking for on the platform might be high quality, so should your YouTube videos. You can get more views by using an interesting video title and promoting your YouTube videos on social media channels. 

But, you may have videos on YouTube and are unfamiliar with YouTube promotion. Let’s take a look at some tips and best practices for building an audience. 

How can I promote my Youtube channel for free? 

There’s a myriad of options online when it comes to promotion, but most creators aren’t aware of how to market and promote for free. By being active on Reddit in the topics that you discuss in your videos, you will gain a better understanding of what people are looking for from the videos they watch.

Contributing to conversations that are in your range will show your credentials concerning the topic at hand. Make your own fun and engaging posts discussing the hot-button issues that your videos talk about. Link your videos in your posts. There’s no monetary cost to doing this.

Quora is similar to Reddit in that you can freely post on the platform. Stay engaged in the topics that your videos are about and answer questions that others pose daily. Link your videos in your answers with the promise of more information. Renowned marketer and influencer Neil Patel supports using Quora as a marketing tool.

How do I get more viewers for free? 

Share your video with family and friends and ask them to share it on their Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media accounts. Reach out to blogs and notable websites to feature content or quotes from your videos.

Their traffic becomes more eyes on your content. The more blogs and articles you are featured in, the better your chances are at increasing your viewership.

The YouTube algorithm is a mystery, but it’s a notable trend that videos with more engagement are shown to more people. Reach out to friends, family, fellow creators, and social media followers and encourage them to leave Likes and Comments on your videos.

The more engagement your videos have, the more likely they are to show up as Suggested Videos for other people.

how to get more viewers on youtube for free

Can I pay Youtube to promote my channel? 

In a way, you can. By setting an advertisement through Google Ads you can create an Ad that will play before other videos that will promote your channel or a specific video. You must create the ad yourself, so for YouTube this could be an extensive and pricey path to take.

However, if you have the means to pursue this option, it is a surefire way to get eyes on your content and to make people aware of your channel.

How do I promote my Youtube video in 2023? 

Are you wondering how to promote your YouTube channel to get more views? We highly recommend checking our partner Signals, who offer YouTube promotion services.

The content creation field is filled with creators pumping out content at an unprecedented rate. You don’t want to get left behind. One idea worth investigating is hiring a company or firm to promote your content.

Companies like SOAR that offer social media marketing, such as their Managed Reddit Marketing Service or their Content Marketing Services are great places to look. Content creators can certainly promote for free, but how sure are you that your reach is being maximized?

Do you use all existing and proven marketing avenues such as Reddit and Quora? Is your channel being included and promoted in blogs and articles across the web?

youtube icon

Promotion is no easy task and maintaining your brand awareness across the fierce landscape that is content creation is an all-consuming task.

There are several ways to promote for free; using other social media such as Twitter and Instagram to grow your platform with daily interaction, direct engagement with people who have an interest in the topics that your brand discusses on Reddit and Quora, reaching out to blogs and sites that share your platform, and more.

Get out there and make your name known, try a bit of everything that you can find that is free. Use social media to your advantage and be as active as you can be. There’s no sleep in the marketing game!

Customize your thumbnails

By default Google snags a screenshot from an upcoming video and uses it in the thumbnail. This is possible specially with image creation tools including Canva.

You can even create a template incorporating certain fonts and styles to ensure that your thumbnail is consistent and on-brand.

Doing thumbnails yourself not only adds visual interest to the video but also signals a sense of professionalism. Ideal way would be to keep the same style, so people can remember it easily and trust you more.


Starting your digital marketing business on YouTube may seem very hard at the beginning, but if it was easy, everyone would do it right?

If you want to widen your marketing efforts, you should definitely check out YouTube marketing. It can help you reach a broader audience, improve brand awareness, while generating more traffic, engagement, leads, and sales.